one-stop-shop for youth sports
Hi-Five Scottsdale Sports Club launched in 2011 with the mission of serving area families by providing dynamic and engaging youth sports programs and leagues.

Jeff has 20 years of experience as an coordinator of youth sports programs. He currently coaches high school football and is extensively involved in all aspects of Hi-Five’s camps and leagues. Prior to being involved in education and youth programming, Jeff played football throughout college and then several years professionally.

Chris has worked in the sports camp industry since attending Desert Mountain where he played football and lacrosse. His leadership skill set and his roles expanded through his years at ASU, where he earned a degree in sports management. Chris currently directs the anchor Hi-Five Sports Camp program at Victorium and manages our birthday parties and the other non-camp sports programs that serve our community.

Jake joined Hi-Five as a summer camp coach during his breaks while a student at Arizona State. He also was invested as an athlete as ASU competing on the club fencing team during his time there. Jake leads the management of our camps, the development of our coaching staff, and is still a valuable coach to the thousands of children who join us in our camps and leagues.