Dribble, Pass, Shoot
The main goal of the Hi-Five Hoops program is to provide an opportunity for each athlete to improve his/her basketball skills while having FUN! Our philosophy of positive reinforcement in teaching basketball enables each athlete to enjoy the game while learning necessary skills and techniques.
Ages: K - 2nd grade
Sessions: 75-minute sessions each week between 11:00am and 12:30pm
Dates: Sundays: Sept 17th - November 19th
Where: Menlo Park
The program is designed so that each week new skills are taught and previous skills are reinforced. Our goal is to teach the importance of responsibility, sportsmanship and teamwork.
The Hi-Five Hoops program uses age-appropriate sized basketballs and basket hoop heights. This promotes the use of proper mechanics when handling and shooting the basketball.
Clinic & Draft
Each age group will participate in a clinic featuring a series of drills and scrimmages designed to prepare everyone for the upcoming season. At the conclusion of the clinic, using a traditional draft format, our coaching staff will create the teams as evenly balanced as possible. The draft selection is based on what we see in the clinics and already know of many of the children.