Summer Camp Registration NOW LIVE!
Register now or learn more by clicking the button to see our winter program list or just call us at 952-452-9966 and we'll gladly help you.
Hi-Five Flag Football League
Our K-2nd Grade Winter League is now available! Sign up as a team or as an individual. Call us to register your own team!
Register now for the 3rd Annual NOON YEARS EVE PARTY! Come out and celebrate Coach Reggie's Birthday and our Hi-Five Sports Zone Family for the upcoming New Year.
Hi-Five Hoops League
Our K-2nd Grade Winter League is now available! Sign up as a team or as an individual. Call us to register your own team!
Hi-Five Sports Zone is a state-of-the-art indoor sports facility located Eden Prairie Center. Our facility occupies 20,000 square feet of basketball courts, turf fields, a multi-use court, and putting green, all to help foster sports exploration and development.
Hi-Five offers team sports classes, school-break camps, leagues/clinics, and birthday parties. This is the culmination of 30+ years of experience in youth sports. This isn’t your typical sports facility. It’s designed specifically for younger children with everything from the field size – to the height of our hoops – to the incorporation of our lovable mascot, Murphy. Our unique approach to sports programming and birthday parties will give families a truly unique experience.

Before/After School

Clinics & Training


Pre-K Enrichment

Sports Leagues
- Hi-Five Flag Football
- Hi-Five Golf (Coming Soon)
- Hi-Five Hoops League
- Hi-Five Soccer Classes
- Hi-Five Soccer League (Coming Soon)
- Hi-Five T-Ball League (Coming Soon)